AICC Management Team
AICC Management Team
AICC is governed by a Council of Management who are Directors of AICC Ltd and are elected from amongst the full members of AICC.

Sarah Cowlrick
Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Blazey
Executive Committee
Sarah Cowlrick (CEO)
Andrew Blazey (Chairman)
Sean Sparling (Immediate Past Chairman)
Patrick Stephenson (President)
George Green (Director for Scotland and Membership)
Trials R & D
Executive Trials Committee
David Boulton (Chairman) - Central
John Clarke (Eastern)
Peter Cowlrick – Southern
Patrick Stephenson - President
Trials Committee
Peter Brumpton - Northern
Robert Burgess - Northern
Ian Dalley – Scotland
Chloe Francis - Western
Brett Pointing - Southern
Marion Self – Eastern
Simon Senior – Northern
Colin Woodward - Central
Trials Co-ordinator
Rosemary Hall
Honorary Members
Stephen Bond (Deceased)
Douglas Stevens
Alan J Bide (Deceased)
Peter Taylor (Immediate Past President)
Patrick Stephenson (President)
John Clarke (Immediate Past Trials Chairman)
Sean Sparling (Immediate Past Chairman)
Non-executive AICC representatives
Sarah Cowlrick (Board Member), Chloe Lockhart (NRoSO) Phil Humphrey (Education & Training)
Industry Technical Representation:
Marion Self, Andrew Watson (Air & Water)
AICCA Training: Chris Tolley
Specialist Members: Jonathan Blake, ADAS and John Cussans, ADAS
Researcher Members: Rebecca Joynt, ADAS and Chloe Francis, ADAS
Sugar Beet Specialist Representative: Penny Oakes
Council of Management
CEO and Conference Manager: Sarah Cowlrick
Chairman: Andrew Blazey
Andrew Blazey (Eastern-South)
David Boulton (Central)
Charlotte Cook (Central)
George Green (Scotland)
Dan Matthews (Western)
Chris Nottingham (Eastern-South)
Penny Oakes (Eastern-North)
Matthew Paterson (Eastern-South)
Simon Roberts (Southern)
Sean Sparling (Northern)
AICC In House Journalist
Adam Clarke - Clarke Communications
Past Chairman
1981-82 Allan Lock
1983-84 Alan Bide
1985-86 Brian Beeney
1986-88 Dick Makepeace
1989-91 Diana Nettleton
1992-93 Peter Taylor
1994-95 Simon Draper
1996-97 Frank Smiley
1998-00 Peter Taylor
2001-03 Allen Scobie
2004-07 Patrick Stephenson
2008-10 Andrew Watson
2011-13 Mike Warner
2014-16 Patrick Stephenson
2017-22 Sean Sparling
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AICC is the largest group of independent crop consultants in Europe and aims to continue to enhance its professional recognition throughout the agricultural industry, promote the interests of its members and encourage all truly independent crop consultants to become members.