Who are we?
About AICC
the only professional body for the truly independent crop consultant founded in 1981
AICC aims to maintain professional standards, to provide a forum for the exchange of technical information and to reinforce the independence of its members. AICC members adhere to a strict Code of Conduct and the advice they deliver is truly independent with no commercial bias or commission derived from product sales. Our membership prides itself on being at the forefront of technical excellence. On farm advice is comprehensive varying from core crop protection, crop nutrition, environmental issues, cultivations and strategic planning.
AICC agronomists are well aware that it is the grower’s choice as to whether he chooses to buy his advice or not. A core of exclusively independent, not linked to sales and bespoke technical advice backed by independent research exists and represents not only exceedingly good value but is underpinned by truly up to date agronomic practice.
AICC champions causes on behalf of its members and is encouraging a more collaborative approach to protect the chemistry we currently have but at the same time embrace the cultural and more innovative technologies that are rapidly developing to support agronomists and their farmers in the future.
Interested? Get in touch
We are here to help, engage & listen
FARMERS: Are you seeking truly transparent advice? Are you concerned about input spend? Contact us to find a crop consultant near you who only has one margin in mind – yours!
CONSIDERING MEMBERSHIP OF AICC? Contact us for details of how to apply and the criteria required. Join the largest group of independent agronomists in Europe and benefit from all it has to offer.
INDUSTRY PARTNERS: Would you like to reach 48% of the UK advice Market through our members? Exhibit at our national conference each year? Get in touch for more information on how to.
Become a member
AICC is the largest group of independent crop consultants in Europe and aims to continue to enhance its professional recognition throughout the agricultural industry, promote the interests of its members and encourage all truly independent crop consultants to become members.