
AICC are pleased to support this event - open to anyone - in aid of the Rob Stephenson Trust

AICC are pleased to support this event - open to anyone - in aid of the Rob Stephenson Trust

15 May 2024

3 Plots is back in 2024 and it’s bigger and better. All in the aid of fun and the Rob Stephenson Trust.

In 2024, it incorporates the 3 Plots 100 which is 100 miles of cycling on the Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of July.  

New for 2024, there is also a five-a-side football tournament on the evening of Friday the 5th of July.   

Both the football and the cycling are based out of the Premier Inn, Junction 32 (Histon) of the A14 at Cambridge.

There will also be an event dinner on the evening of 6th July at the Boot at Histon which will include the raffle of donated items. All welcome.

Feel free to check out the trust website



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